5 a Day is a simple app to remind you to eat 5 portions of Fruit and Veg every day.

Tap and add Fruit, Veg, Smoothys, Beans/Pulses or Juice. It won't let you add more than your allocation per day (i.e. only one bean portion counts per day)

has date and time so ideal to leave as your home screen.

It really makes you eat more healthily.

Updates to follow in phase 2

  • companion app on device to show history / portion info / alerts
  • social sharing
  • super easy food tracking - just use traffic lights against what you eat rather than detailed logging - its all about encouraging change not uber detailed quantified self.
  • adding a movement / exercise encouragement

The idea is to become a super easy 'personal conscious' there to remind you gently to improve your lifestyle.

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