ACHOO is an app currently designed to run on Windows Phone 7 and built on the GeoCloud Platform that provides for a bi-directional de-identified exchange of data based on location.      It also provides a convenient way of accessing up to date, publicly available CDC data on influenza based on your specific location. The Idea behind the GeoClud Platform is an exchange of information between the content providers and subscribers within the GeoCLoud ecosystem. Features:

Where is the Flu: Automatically get information on any influenza outbreaks based on your location.

Check for outbreaks on your travel path: Check any influenza outbreaks in the areas you may be traveling to or have traveled from.

Tracking Data: Opt-in for de-identified data feed to CDC on your location across your travel path. This will be cross referenced against influenza outbreaks geographically for tracking the path of the epidemic.

Up to Date Info: Access up-to date influenza information via RSS directly from CDC.   The app has not yet been submitted to the windows Phone 7 Market Place but we will provide the source code and demo the product for the judges if required. It can also be made to work on multiple mobile platforms. The app requires data that is commercially available that provides more granular details than what was provided by the CDC for this challenge. We have opted not to purchase the data until we determine the outcome of the challenge.  

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