This season's MLH is all about flight. And we felt that MLH Launch wouldn't be complete without a fitting showcase from quadcopters. Nothing is more powerful than such an idea. Except an Apache helicopter. An Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine.

We pushed our limits, and built something incredibly unique.

It all starts from a single text message from the audience. Transmitted through our Twilio servers, our Pebble lights up as a new request comes in! It's a request for more information on one of the Fortune 500 companies! Our pebble app hastily passes along the request to our backend, hammering away at the Bloomberg API, stripping it to it's core. This information is then passed to our friendly quadcopter "Rekt", who attempted to plot out the results on a graph. Alas, the tiny machine was simply too weak to carry the weight of the pen, and tumbled into the darkness.

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