Data, Alert notification & Planning App for people with health issues to get out, get moving and get healthy.

Having lots of family members suffer from asthma who have a hard time with the harsh urban conditions of LA, it is hard to find or know when to get a good walk/exercise outdoors.

Asthma sufferers have a hard time on bad days to go out… let alone work out.

By using the BREATHE LA APP, the user can plan good days out for walks and exercise by themselves or with others in a great route around the community through public transportation.

If you don’t want to walk or exercise by yourself, you can notify other app users that you welcome them to join you.

Users also have the option to venture out of their hood and be green by taking public transportation.

Don’t be left behind, just check the app and see who is on a walk, join them and get connected.

By having more walks and exercise, one can get healthier, not get asthma attacks or get defeated.

There are lots of people who are obese to get a support system from users of the app.

This is a great way to get a group going, get connected with your neighbors, build relationships that you would never have made, stay healthy and prevent other possible issues.

BREATHE LA App is pulling the weather api, socrata and open data sets to forecast which days are good for asthma suffers to go out.

Challenges: Asthma, Obessity, Health & Transportation

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