After being victims of a rash of burglaries within nearby neighborhoods, our team decided that it was necessary to create an anti-burglary device that not only informs the home owner of the incident, but takes several images of the culprits once motion is triggered.

Using the Dropcam and SmartThings sensors, pictures can be taken using the Dropcam after being triggered by motion detected by the Nest Motion Sensor. While Dropcam has a motion sensor, we found the device to be a little too sensitive, often capturing inanimate objects. The pictures are e-mailed to the user, who will also receive an automated call informing them of the incident within their home.

Challenges arose within integrating pictures that were stored within the app and e-mail services. Also, we encountered some trouble with integrating various devices with each other.

We were relatively successful in the project!

We learned how to integrate various devices within the Nest/SmartThings/Dropcam family.

CotCam can be integrated with facial recognition software, allowing easier capture of the culprit.

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