WHAT THIS DOESThis application is a website AND a mobile site to help people with a variety of web devices quickly Understand when and where they should get a shot of flu vaccine. Get rewarded for the shot with a badge. Share the badge on Facebook to influence others to get their shot. Track the immunization in Google Health profile (PHR) [not complete]. The tracking in Google Health is still in progress because Google is still reviewing our application. For now, you can see log in and a screenshot placeholder in the application. HOW THIS DOES ITThis application relies uses HTML 5 to detect the user's browser and the web browser's geolocation. Specific features of the application include Detection of web vs mobile browser. Detection of the user's location, if the user agrees to share location. Option to enter a different location. Display of flu activity status based on location. Display of different messages depending on activity status. Integration with Google maps. Integration with Facebook for badge sharing. A start on integration with Google Health (see note above). Use of small chunks of content + data feeds, such as flu activity status. Support of a wide range of browsers + devices. No collection or storage of the user's personally identifying information, only connecting the user to accounts the user already has. CONTENT + DATA USED XML source of the Weekly Flu Activity Report Feed of Google map search for "flu shot" When the Flu Vaccine Locator feed when becomes available during flu season, it could be incorporated instead of the Google map search. WEB BROWSERS SUPPORTED Firefox IE Google Chrome MOBILE DEVICE BROWSERS SUPPORTED Android iPhone (Safari) We believe this also works in Windows mobile browsers but have not tested that extensively.

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