I was inspired to create Freshr the first time I bought seafood from local fisherman and shrimpers. I prepared this for a group of friends. When they heard that I bought the fish locally and that it was fresh off the boat, everyone wanted to know where and how they could buy from local fisherman.

Then I started talking to the fishermen. I learned about the problems that they face in the fishing industry and how much quality is lost in the fish with the current supply methods. I realized that if we created a platform that made it easy for local fishermen to market themselves to the public, then we could revolutionize the local supply chain and fish market. With more buyers—individual consumers, restaurants, grocers, in addition to distributors—we could open up the market, providing fishermen with a greater income while improving the quality and sustainability of the seafood.

Fishermen post their catch while at sea, that data is pushed to cloud where everyone can see and make purchases instantly. Buyers meet fishermen at docks and get their fish. Since the purchase was done electronically, a code that represents your fish is attached to the invoice digitally. Code stays with that fish to the end consumer digitally. Information attached to the code hasn't been exactly determined. It will probably contain location, type, fishermen info, images from trip.

Designing it to be really easy for fishermen.


Consumers are rapidly demanding more info on where/how their seafood was harvested. Fishermen have been experimented on too much, and it's never benefits them.

Putting the products fishermen's hands and then finding buyers who want to buy.

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