
March 31, 2015 - there was a zipnado on the streets, tell me where were you? You were sitting in your car on your phone, while I was... (Name that tune).

How it works

You share with us your phone number, where you work and live, and we promise to alert you about everything relevant happening on your commute. We're starting with traffic, but we envision this platform to connect you to the events and businesses in your community.

Challenges I ran into

Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep. And uhm. Lack of sleep.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

We learned a lot. We didn't sleep. We ate some pizzas. And we took home a tho... uhm, an alert from the future.

What I learned

We learned to work together as a team and bring a dream to fruition that can benefit all the keiki from across the State.

What's next for HI Alert

We're planning to integrate with more city data to provide a real-time platform for the citizens of Honolulu. We'd love to offer the opportunity for people to connect with the businesses that are important to them.

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