Introduction: Hello everyone! We are students from San Jose State University. We are here because this event is a great opportunity to expand on our programming knowledge, as well as to further develop an idea we had that would greatly benefit our community.

An in-depth description of our project: Our project originated from the simple concept of a “Craigslist-like” platform, where both organizations and individuals can help the homeless members near them by posting “offers,” such as serving meals or a providing shelter for the night. These offers are updated to our servers in real-time and are shown to those who have access to our supported platforms through the internet. The receiver is able to respond to the “offers” by placing a reservation if he or she is interested in the offer. Through this method, we are able to connect people who wish to help with those who need it.

During the Hackathon, we were able to create an IOS standalone application as well as a mobile friendly website that does exactly what we planned. Both interact with a mock server that we will eventually fully implement. The IOS application is fully functional and the website, although still under development, also includes some implemented features.

We plan on continuing the development of Homemore onto all available platforms in order for this project to take off and take effect in the real world.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

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