Empowers forward thinkers to showcase bright ideas anonymously within digital platform by which all members are created equally Helps teams within business and organizations uncover the best ideas based solely on the merits of the idea and not the identity of a presenter Finds the best ideas within an organization by eliminating unconscious bias and empowering thinkers Reinforces the ideology that all ideas are inherently valuable Creates confidence, amplifies the application of knowledge, while eliminating the influence of seniority, institutional hierrarchy and gender dominance.


Too often, women in the workplace do not share their ideas for fear that their contributions will go unsupported. Inherently creates an anonymous digital space by which the ideas of all users are heard and evaluated on an equal scale. Media influence is one of the most powerful economic and cultural forces driving today’s society and everyone's voice, ideas and opinions should be included as they are inherently valuable. Deciding whose ideas receive attention, whose influence shapes the debate, and what issues are important enough to report, intrinsically shape our understanding of who we are and what we can be. The world is a melting pot full of varying experiences and viewpoints that must be considered and explored when it comes to deciding what is news.


  1. Create an verified profile
  2. Create a team
  3. Invite participants
  4. Submit ideas anonymously
  5. Vote on the ideas, without distraction of the identity of the idea creator


Researchers reviewed 27,000 pieces of content produced from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31, 2013, at 20 of the most widely circulated, read, viewed, and listened to TV networks, newspapers, newswires, and online news sites in the United States. The examination focused on the gender breakdown of full-time journalism staffers, paid freelance journalists, and non-paid content contributors. Women collectively were outnumbered by men—whether as paid full-time, freelance writers, online, in print or on air—or as citizen journalists or as non-paid commentators. Overall, 63.4 percent of those with bylines and on-camera appearances were men, while women constituted 36.1 percent of contributors.

A growing body of evidence shows just how devastating this lack of confidence can be. Success, it turns out, correlates just as closely with confidence as it does with competence.

We have also spoken with women in digital newsrooms who have found that "women in the newsroom often need other women to back up their ideas in order for some to consider the ideas valid. Partially because men still run most operations, partially because women tend to frame their messaging in less assertive ways because of pre-existing stereotypes that assertiveness means bossiness."

This idea of needing validation or reputation for their idea/pitch to be taken seriously by peers, investors, etc also new entrepreneurs, and anyone with a stereotype that out-defines the inherent validity of their proposed idea. Open models such as BarCamp Conferences presents a platform where everyone had equal status when pitching a new idea regardless of their history with entrepreneurship. With Inherently, we present a platform for idea-sharing where users need to create real, verified accounts that are anonymized before they share a proposal for an idea with their team on the Inherently platform. Our dashboard allows team leaders to create new brainstorms and allow other users will evaluate their ideas neutrally.

The creator will always appear anonymous (gender, name, profile) until they choose to reveal who they are after they have accrued enough support - this is an idea borrowed from the past practice of female authors using male names until the public is ready to accept their accreditation. This can be a great practice for breaking stereotypes through demonstration of ability. Men and women alike are allowed to participate.

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