You got your million dollar idea. Heck, you just finished a working prototype and finished a live demo, and got a roaring applause from the audience. You would never imagine that the next step of finding the right people to work with could ever be as challenging as the last feat you encountered. And guess what, it doesn't need to be.

Talent acquisition is an issue that is way more difficult than it really needs to be.

The crux of the issue lies in how eager companies and prospective candidates find each other. Both the company and candidates are usually looking for different things, and rarely go into an interview on common grounds where they can express themselves properly, wasting important time.

You, the head engineer or CEO, have just read another resume - the hundredth one this week. And it's only Monday. Get ready for another long week.

Finding prospects is like finding a needle in a haystack. There are so many difficulties that one wouldn't expect. And resumes do a terribly awful job at filtering candidates. So what can you do to streamline this whole process and get your company from zero to full flight?

Keith. Just use Keith.

It'll find, from your connections, people you can trust that are looking to be hired. People with the right skill sets that you need. Need a full stack? No problem. Need a front-end? Filter out the backend stuff? No problem at all. Find the perfect skill sets for your company in a single go.

And not only that, it'll look at the logistics of them joining. So you won't get into a scenario where you've found the perfect match, only to figure out that they aren't looking for a new opportunity.

Even if both the company and the candidate come to terms on all these things, there is an additional issue. Culture. Culture clashes can occur in any and every way possible. Prospective candidates are people too, no matter how you want to view them. This means they have their own flavorful personalities. So ignore those that won't match and keep the ball rolling.

TLDNR; For quick successful in hiring a star-struck team, use Keith.

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