More than 40% of prisoners return to prison within three years of release. When prisoners are release, their identity and sense of self is already taken away. They feel that they are a burden to the society and feel ashamed to ask for help. L.A.P (Life After Prison) helps reorient ex-felons to society today through a customizable self-help text message system. Built a web application with an SMS service in an attempt to provide resources and support for ex-convicts working on re-entering the workforce and society.

Built a web application with an SMS service in an attempt to provide resources and support for ex-convicts working on re-entering the workforce and society. This was inspired by an NYTimes article our team member read.

Built a page of resources filtered by certain categories that they can turn to (like how to register for SS benefits again, how to get a driver's license, how to prepare for a job interview, where ex-felons can look for employment, etc.)

Built a timeline that they can input the year they were incarcerated and get some idea of the events they missed (many do not have access to Internet or television behind prison walls).

Our SMS service will send daily randomized tips that hint at the resources we have on our page, as well as meal reminders at certain hours (this was inspired by research on the psychological effects of incarceration, where because prisoners are called to all 3 meals, when they are released, they tend to forget to initiate this action themselves).

‘‘Toast: white, wheat or sourdough?’’ Hammock went stiff momentarily, then answered: ‘‘Toast, I guess.’’

Roby started things off, ordering a chocolate milk. Hammock ordered a chocolate milk, too. Then he reconsidered and said, "I want a milkshake! I’ll just have that!"


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