
Table 014 Our inspiration for creating Leap Motion Beer Pong was to encourage safe drinking habits among college students by bringing the popular drinking game to the virtual world. This way, college students can be competitive and assert their dominance, without consuming copious amounts of alcohol.

How it works

Leap Motion tracks the players' hands. When the player pinches, the ball appears and when they unpinch, the ball released. We used these basic mechanisms to throw the ball at the cups.

Challenges we ran into

It was difficult to learn how Unity works and how it interacts with the data returned by the Leap Motion controller. Incorporating a two player version was also incredibly difficult.

Accomplishments that we are proud of

The implementation of the multiplayer portion of the game.

What we learned

We learned almost everything about C#, Unity, and Leap Motion today and put that to use.

What's next for Leap Motion Beer Pong

We hope to bring more realistic beer pong to college students with real-time 1v1 and 2v2, both locally and over the web.

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