We made a Halloween-themed hack that uses speech recognition, artificial intelligence, and Intel's Galileo platform to make an Ouija board come to life.

All the user has to do is speak into the computer- and the Ouija board responds- with output displayed on its actual surface. We used Google's Speech-to-Text API and Cleverbot to generate responses to everything the user says. Intel Galileo, hooked up to a couple of servos. moves a laser pointer to tell the user what the response was.

On top of that, we've added a few Easter eggs.

Want to turn it into a conversation? Yo us at KNYTE to start one with OuijaBot. (Funny note: our callback URL is purduecs.com; no idea how it wasn't taken yet.) Then see what happens!

The hardest part was getting movement to work. Initially, we set up a system where we had two rubber bands (one horizontal, one vertical) where a servo would tug a magnet down while another would release and pull it sideways. This led to some issues with slipping and getting stuck, so we shifted a system with fixed rotation servos controlling a laser.

Since this project was not planned in advance, building the project with just our available resources was also a major challenge. Before we could resurrect voices from beyond the grave, we first had to resurrect a dead board.

Most of effort was spent on making the user experience effortless, simple, and seamless while also giving the user control.

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