The idea started as an SOS application like no other, power to find location and stay offline during the entire process. Then came the Pebble smartwatch, and I knew immediately it had to be a part of my idea., because it looks so much like an ordinary watch ,but with the power to do so much more. Finally, my dad suggested that because of the massive number of SOS-type apps already online , I should try something really simple so as to cater to the elderly and children, two kinds of people who may not really be having an internet connection or understand high tech gizmos and might want to be regularly tracked for safety reasons by their family members.

And hence Plip was born.

All location signals(in the of a gmaps link to yout location) are sent via SMS to keep the app completely offline and secure.

The android app works standalone too, people who do not have a pebble can also use it for the intended purpose . but connect a Pebble and you can send signals just by pressing a pattern of buttons while the watchapp is open (because a single button press might result in false signals ). The watch vibrates as soon as the sms messages are sent .The watch app itself looks like a simple normal watch face, so that it does not attract attention in emergency situations and you have the ability to use the features of the app and use the app for it's basic purpose(time) together .

Location Sharing ,made secure and simple.

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