
Does it feel like you spend more time researching your travel plans than actually on holiday? Yes

Whose advice and recommendations do you trust above all others? Friends and Family

Who knows a place better than anyone else? A local

When you combine these problems – the solution is Qurated, a travel app that gives you the best local recommendations for accommodation and activities from a local friend quickly and simply for you and your friends

From an industry perspective we improve conversions by building trust early in the funnel.

How it works

  1. Enter your destination
  2. Choose your dates
  3. Send to friend using email or sms
  4. Your friend has a simple system to give you invaluable advice using their knowledge of their local area
  5. The user gets curated travel advice from a trusted local source quickly and simply

Challenges I ran into

Our primary challenge was connecting the different API’s together into one simple product Secondly simplifying a big data issue using curation

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

Creating a simple interface for a complex back-end

What I learned

Running simultaneous API’s from different sources is possible to architect and can be integrated together

What's next for Qurated

Other accommodation and activity sources as API’s become available, Integrate Tripcase to make system even easier to use, Polish the UI, Testing


Hotel commission model - approx. 5-15% / 20c-30c leadouts - well placed as high conversion / need scale Activities model - circa 10% - again friend recommendations lead to strong conversion Twilio - potential to charge users per request - price point between 5-10c - cover costs / depends on business model

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