Readsenses recommends books based on the news you read, the articles you share, and the other web content you view online. Through a convenient browser plugin, the user can, with one click, discover new book recommendations specifically picked to match the web content he is viewing and is interested in.

Readsenses also includes social media integration that provides recommendations based on the user's social activities. The posts, likes, and shares on a user's news feed are automatically linked to book recommendations based on the specific topics the user is interested in. Readsenses is a smart plugin that gives you smart recommendations with just one click!

Using the same powerful engine to analyze web content, a mobile and web apps (in the works) deliver a breakthrough way for users to discover their next favorite reads. A revolutionary "bookfeed" that is personalized, attractively designed, and continually updated with new book recommendations. Check out the second attached demo video for more details!

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