The team behind rent left started out as potential roommates trying to find a new home. As time tracking engineers, we saw that the application process for multiple properties took over 6 hours!!

After looking around, there were a few tools to automate the process, but they all required the real estate agent to sign up. We couldn't find a single one which would work for more than two different apartments.

Our UNIQUE approach involves:

  • quickly digitising applications that are available online or handed out at house inspections
  • tag the questions to a list of common questions that the user then has to answer
  • use people's historical answers from previous applications
  • allow multiple people to work on one application

Business model: During the application process, we want to let the user select their Utilise provider from a drop down, and take a commission on the referral. From a previous venture - we found that AGL will pay $80-100 for a semi qualified lead.

The feature that we are most proud of so far is the one that allows us to overlay transparent signatures when required on the forms!! We had to edit a PDF library to get it working.

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