RESid is an app which combines a database of resident information with the Estimote Beacon Stickers. The app gives resident information when the device comes into close proximity the estimote sticker which is placed on the residents person.

Our two main clients are considered to be emergency services (post the quakers hill coroners report) and aged care providers.

For aged care providers it provides immediate Resident Id information anywhere within their facility, not just next to the residents notes near their beds. This is particularly useful for minimising medication issues as well as providing accurate information to agency staff not familiar with the resident.

The app can be set to essential information only (for emergency services) which gives resident name, photo and date of birth and therefore assists with identifying residents in an emergency situation whilst preserving privacy issues with wearing visible identification. For the aged care providers in addition to the essential information in can provide likes/dislikes, languages, absconding alerts, food consumption, resident movement and many others.

The app will work best with wearables or any connected device and will commence an interaction with the wearer when they are within a 1m radius of the resident.

The license fee for the use of this product for up to 20 devices will be $100 per month. We estimate that we can capture 10% of the aged care market within 3 years and 30% within 5 years with an estimate revenue of close to $1m per annum.

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