Telephone companies make money selling caller id, selling the ability to block a caller’s numbers, directory information, to block a subscriber’s info in the printed phone book, etc.

The solution seems simple, the phone companies should allow, preferably without cost, for a subscriber to block(ie. it does not ring) any call which comes to their phone as “out of area” or similar blocking message. If a subscriber implements this preference, only calls with an identified caller will go through. Then the subscriber can choose to take the call or not to take the call. I recognize that sometimes spouses with an order of protection(or similar situation) wish to block their number to their spouse made because of financial reasons or because of children. In those cases, the protected party can block the number from which she or he is calling but not the name.

Even if someone does not subscribe to caller id, they can ask that “out of area” calls be blocked ie. that their phone does not even ring.

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