Robot calls will be screened by having to say a few words or enter a few key presses to get past Roboscreen. When the caller initiates a call, there will be a very simple question to answer before the call will be connected. For example "what is 3 + 3" the caller would press the '6' key on their phone or say “six” and the call is connected. Another example question could be "Press or say the keys on your keypad to spell “LAKE"; the caller would press 5253 or say “five two five three” and would be connected. If there are no responses or the caller presses the wrong keys they get a “Sorry” message and the call is disconnected. Common sense questions could be used also. For example “Does a fish live in the desert? Press 5 for yes or 7 for no” There can be thousands of pre-recorded questions. There is a different question every call. New questions can be added as needed.

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