Coming into the hackathon not quite sure what to do, we were inspired by the concept of using the Pebble as a remote control for a small arduino car. By simply tilting your wrist, you could steer and accelerate the car to move it around the room. However, we relized that the remote control backend it could do cooler things too! We decided to implement a bluetooth mouse using the pebble as a controler and clicker. We figured that it would be great to use during presentations or while watching a movie on your computer. By making the pebble/android backend seperate from the arduino and python frontend, we made to be extendable and modular. It has seperate UI screens on the pebble for each application (mouse, keyboard shortcuts, and robot) as well as the ability to do features unique to each platform (clicking, pressing keys, or playing music). It was especially cool to use all parts of the stack, from front end, to the pebble and android apis, to the bluetooth connection and mouse integration.(table 45)

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