A long awaited Gear 2 add-on for Sleep as Android is finally here! You no longer need to sleep with phone in bed. Now, you can use your wristwatch to gather data about your sleep and those will automatically appear on your phone.

Current features (to be expanded):

  • Tracking of movement and wake-up at the right time
  • Pausing and resuming from the watch.
  • Snoozing and dismissing of alarm from the watch
  • Vibrating alarm on the watch.

To use the integration, you need to enable smartwatch tracking in the main Sleep As Android application. Go to Settings -> Sleep Tracking -> and tick Use Smartwatch. Now when you start tracking on the phone, it will automatically try to connect your Gear watch and use its accelerometer instead. You can also start tracking from the watch directly, just by starting the watch side application.

More information on our site: https://sites.google.com/site/sleepasandroid/doc/integration

Happy sleep tracking!

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