
An SMS-based Weather App using Twilio, geopy, Flask, and Heroku. Text a number, get the weather.



Fire up a Virtualenv after you've cloned the repo, and then:

pip install -r requirements.txt API Setup

Register here. Note your API key, and update line 60 of with it!

Heroku Setup

First, create an account at Heroku. Then, follow these instructions. Skip the section titled "Start Flask app inside a Virtualenv" and go to "Deploy your application to Heroku" -- the app already exists! Note the URL for the app you've just created.

Twilio API Setup

Ahoy hoy! Create an account, create a number, and point Twilio at your Heroku app by going to the numbers page and entering your app's URL in the "Request URL" field under the "SMS" section.

Text your number for the current weather conditions!

You text TellTale:

Burlington, VT

TellTale's response:

Current weather for Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont: 
Partly Cloudy, 42.4 deg F, wind is SSE @ 3.54 kn, nearest 
storm is 26 miles away (Powered by Forecast)
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