Do you ever have trouble remembering quotes, mile times, or birthdays? Have you ever wanted a quick and easy way to log and view data? At TextDB, we want to make storing information as simple as shooting off a text. TextDB allows users to log data without ever having to depend on WiFi or even a smartphone.

By simply texting a Twilio number a row of data, users can store their most valuable information on the fly. Extremely practical use cases include doing research in rural areas, logging personal stats, and saving interesting thoughts or quotes.

We created this database service/web-app in Flask using Twilio's API. As we could not generate new tables at runtime, the backend of our application abstracts each user-defined tables into eight predefined SQL tables (four tables of metadata and four tables of values) so that an infinite number of user-defined tables can be created at runtime.

Now, with TextDB, users can log and view data on the fly.

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