The green streets app was developed for all eco-friendly new Yorkers. This app allows you to search for parks and gardens in your area or anywhere in the five Burroughs. It also provides pertinent and useful information concerning the trash schedule and new york city recycling expectations.

      One of the features of this app is its ability to detect your location and allow you to search for parks and gardens in your area.  You can select a particular garden or park and view it on a map.   If you change locations, the app will change locations with you.  It's that easy to discover a "green street" anywhere you go in new York's concrete jungle.  

Another feature of this app is a unique search that supplies the user with detailed information on recycling and disposal options in new York city. The user can reference their unwanted item in the search bar and the app will retrieve information on how to dispose of it.

For example- Search: television

App response

In addition to these useful features, the app also uses your location to provide you with your personal trash pickup days. Never miss a trash day again with a reminder option for the night before.

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