• Mobile reporting for Salesforce is an unsolved problem.* Currently, sales reps and managers can only find pre-defined reports when they're on-the-go.* If they need a new report, they have to email their admin or a Salesforce consultant.OUR SOLUTION
  • UPSHOT is the only tool that lets you easily create and edit reports on a mobile device.UPSHOT offers: (1) Plain English queries. Simply enter "top 5 opportunities by amount" and that's what you get. Speech or text.(2) Suggestions. Related graphs help you understand your data. Suggested queries help you build on what you've entered. (3) Visual editing, using touch. Build your report gradually by clicking on graphs. Swipe to find more graphs.TECH:
  • Our mobile web app is built using HTML5. Add it to your home screen on iOS, Android, and Windows 8.* Installation is as simple as a single-click oauth login. Done.* Speech recognition (!) is supported on Droid with Chrome Beta, using the JavaScript Speech Recognition API.


  • We use the Partner API to extract Salesforce metadata and generate the vocabulary for our parser.* A semantic parser translates your English query into SOQL and runs the SOQL query. (The parser is still pretty rough, but people still love the tool!)* Deployed on Heroku. We <3 continuous integration.TRY IT NOW: - Create reports with the demo org. - Create reports using your actual Salesforce data.
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