
We love surprising the people around us! One way we can show our love is through video. However, communicating with a large group of people to participate in the video making project can be really tedious and time consuming.

We created VidComb, an application that makes video compilation convenient, easy and hassle free!

How it works

  1. The admin user will create a project on VidComb.

    VidCombPage 1

  2. The admin user will decide on the

    • Title of the project
    • Due date of the project
    • Maximum duration of each video clip
    • Which participant to invite

    VidCombPage 2

  3. The participant will click on the link provided to record a video of themselves. The user can also choose to upload a file from Dropbox if they have already pre-recorded a video. After submitting a video, the participant can invite more people to participate in the project. There will also be a list of people who have completed recording and a list of people who have been invited but yet to submit their video. The purpose of showing the list is to allow all participant to invite those who should be in the video, but not in the list.

    VidCombPage 3

  4. The admin will have an overview of all the people who have participated in the project. (If time permits, we would like the admin to have the ability to re-order the video, add text, audio, transition effects before the download)

    VidCombPage 4

  5. Once all the participants have uploaded the video, the compiled video is ready to be downloaded.

What's next for VidComb

  • Allow users to upload compiled and completed video to YouTube, Dropbox and Vimeo
  • Administrative dashboard to manage participants
  • Re-order the video after all participants have submitted
  • Ability to add music and introduction text to the compiled video
  • Template introduction and transition effects for the compiled video

Challenges we ran into

  • Understanding and using the APIs provided
  • Embedding a video with a url link
  • Allowing users to upload compiled and completed video to YouTube, Dropbox and Vimeo (Due to time constrain)

Accomplishments that we are proud of/ What we learned

  • Getting a real actual site up and running! (Try it!)
  • Working together as a team for the first time & having great communication throughout
  • Having fun building our product
  • Creating something that will be useful for the community

Sponsored APIs Used

Sponsored API

Thank you to the great team from Ziggeo, Google, FireBase, Stupeflix, Vimeo, Youtube and Dropbox for mentoring and guiding us during the #VideoHackDay Hackathon!

Updated as of 10 May 2015, 10.10AM

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