While playing the fun interactive game What Food Am I? from the Food N' Me family nutrition website, children assess foods they ate yesterday, learn about their eating habits and discover ways to balance their diet today. Children and parents receive recommendation-packed reports, recipes and activities.

What Food Am I? uses a first-person augmented reality perspective:  Children pile their plate with the foods they have eaten on a given day, from meals to snacks. They drag-and-drop from a scrollable menu bar photographs of foods commonly eaten by American children in standard serving sizes. Moving dials highlight food groups of foods chosen, while animations show children when they reach recommended values. It’s a lively, realistic way for children to measure if they are eating equally from each food group.

In the final, colorful Child Report, the child’s character – determined by the day’s food choices - makes recommendations based on their daily intake and customizes a recipe for their needs. For example, if low in dairy, the suggested recipe is a yogurt parfait, which Crazy Chef prepares in a video. Additionally, a companion activity encourages the eating of colorful foods to foster balanced nutrition.

Photos of food and live-person videos connect the game to the child's real world, while including parents creates a climate of collaboration. 

A Parent Report, available at the end of play, invites parents to join in the process – a crucial step for change.  The report explains game components, offers talking points and recommended daily requirements based on age and gender, and a shopping list activity encouraging healthy eating and togetherness.

What Food Am I?’s recommendations and game design are based on the knowledge and input of Food N’ Me’s panel of experienced nutrition and instructional design experts, children and parents.

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