
Problem: How can the organizations reduce the energy consumption overhead when they have limited financial and human capital for their day to day needs?

How it works

WoodTable is a simple concierge web app that walks the user, such as Rosie’s Place, through the process of getting a free energy audit, understanding the results and where to go from there in four simple steps.

Challenges I ran into

We had disagreements about visual design of the service but we were able to accept the quick nature of the hackathon and then we came to a consensus based on experience and personal taste.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

Our team came from different backgrounds with two major things in common: a can-do attitude and earth-consciousness. We enjoyed meeting people, giving and receiving feedback from other participants, and this opportunity to learn more about the clean tech landscape. We were proud of our collaboration, conflict-resolution, and even completing a demo in time for presentation!

What I learned

This was a first hackathon for some of our team. Experimenting with roles we don’t normally have was pleasantly eye-opening and validated our potential. We tried to ask each other what we valued and how we would implement that in our project. We got to learn about planning a product’s lifecycle, how to give constructive input, and to decide worthy problems to solve in a short sprint.

What's next for WoodTable

We’re planning on meeting with small non-profits in the Boston area to discuss their needs and run a trial. What we learn from our meetings will help us refine our workflows and better cater to their human-centered design needs. We’re seeking partnerships and mentors who will help us realize this adventure to a more prudent world.

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