
I frequently travel all over the world and meet lots of new people. Unfortunately, many conversations。 friendships, and opportunities simply aren't possible due to language constraints. Having a way to open communication between any two people in the world would make all of this possible.

How it works

From one of our web, iOS, or Android frontends, all it takes is sending a message to another user. From there, the message is sent to a server, translated from the first user's native language to the others, and then received by the intended recipient.

The server is running on Microsoft Azure with Node.js. It is then connecting directly to IBM BlueMix for available translations, otherwise will default to Google Translate using a PHP script.

The web frontend serves as a marketing web page and messaging web app.

Challenges we ran into

All of the frontend developers were new to their technology and had difficulty setting up environments, implementing UI, and understanding how a REST API connects.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

Completing the backend in 4 hours

What I learned

How to efficiently implement a Node.js server and a super simple API.

What's next for WorldChat

The world!

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