The SmallBiz app is a unique mobile solution for small businesses in the service industry that enables them with rich set of functionalities available on-the-go. The mobile application allows businesses, such as beauty salons, spas, massage parlors, dentists, mechanic shops and many others to manage their day-to-day operations.

*The app allows employers to quickly onboard their businesses, add employees, services, and offers. Employers use mobile analytics to get insight into key business KPIs.

*Employees can manage their appointments and handle payments.

*Clients can explore various businesses, schedule appointments with specific business and/or employees, use offers, provide feedback, and make payments.

Key features *Single app for different usage modes for employers, employees, and clients *Ability to schedule, update and cancel appointments *Analytics insights into the business KPIs *Offers and coupons *Feedback and rating capabilities *Push notifications *Ease of making payments *Integration with Yelp

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