Slug Trails

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Slug Trails is an app for both iPhone and Android that uses the help from the community to catalog and track wildlife species. When the user sees a wild animal that they would like to tag, all the user would have to do is enter the type of animal they saw and an optional discription of the animal. After taging the animal the user has the option to view all tags in a map view or in a list view.

  • In the map view there are markers for each time someone has tagged an animal. The user can click on these markers to display more information.
  • In the list view, the user sees a list of all tagged animals shown by type. When the user selects one of the list items, more details are shown.


Developed by Ian Perrigo, Ethan Harte, Andrew Lee, Harrison Chen, Brent Hickey. Original concept at #HackUCSC2015. (January 2015)

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