Achoo Flu is a website providing useful information about flu activity in the United States, via cloud based web apps embedded in the site.     The site is divided into four main sections, each containing a Web app, which displays Flu related data in a graphical and interactive manner.      ‘Flu Location’ contains a Web app that displays weekly Flu incidence data in the United States in a visually interesting format.     Two separate sections, ‘Vaccination by Region’ and ‘Vaccination by Age’ display interactive web apps, that graphically displays the Flu vaccination estimates in the United States.     The ‘Flu News’ sections contains widgets that  show the latest news about Influenza, utilizing RSS feeds. An interesting Mashup combining Global News related to Flu and Map Data is presented.         The Achoo Flu cloud based Web Apps, and the Achoo Flu website, were created as part of the 2011 CDC Flu App challenge.

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