
Having worked to train first responders with difficulties in connecting with complex (and even simple) emergency scenarios we looked to find a way to leverage social media and alternative communication channels to connect first responders to those in need.

How it works

The system pulls twitter stream, and dynamically filtering the data using geo fencing and key work searches. This information is then aggregated in real-time through use of firebase to a python based management system that helps find possible emergency situations where traditional communication has failed. This data is then displayed for a dispature using ESRI ArcGIS web tools to build an interactive map of the geo-coded locations. This interface then lets a dispatcher connect individuals to first responders who can most quickly respond to the situation.

Challenges I ran into

Connecting everything together properly.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

Full back end conversion of twitter geo location information and tweet into a real-time associated firebase data structure that connects user interface with esri archgis tools

What I learned

The technology to bind tech stacks is becoming even easier.

What's next for Alert.Guide

Given that cities and municipalities are spending millions on advanced 911 systems and coordination systems for first responders, the logical step would be to work with a city or organization to see if the technology can help them more effectively manage the complexities of such coordination using social media information.

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