It’s no surprise that dirty air kills. In fact, air pollution was recently placed in the top ten health risks faced by human beings globally. In the UK, high concentrations of polluting particles cost health services around £20 billion each year.

This is where ECO2 comes in. We developed a traffic diversion application that visually displays locallized pollution data to a driver based on a clustered CO2 sensor algorithm. The clusters generate a pollution heat map from city sensors using the FIWARE APIs, and then overlay the results on a map. The user is rewarded with points for avoiding high pollution areas. The app utilizes gamification to encourage adoption via free unlockable content, tram or bus vouchers, and insurance rebates that can be redeemed in our marketplace. For every killometer driven that a user avoids pollution hotspots they obtain a point. For every killometer that they drive through hotspots, they lose a point. The overall system is based on Ericsson, TM Forum, FIWARE/Orange APIs and IBM Bluemix Cloud Platform.

After a trip, the user can see their personal impact to pollution in a grahical way related to mean emissions scores for their year/ make of car and their route. We utilized the Ericsson Connected Car API to measure personal contributions to city pollution.

Future plans:

The future for ECO2 is green. Future functionality will include aggregated data for each city to use for construction and planning purposes. Full marketplace capabilities. And the ability to define metropolitan areas for future city implementations.

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