Boutline is a place to follow your favorite sports teams, meet like minded fans and share your favorite moments with them. Boutline’s first port of call is to log your teams of interest. Love Liverpool? Adore Auxerre? Partial to Parma? Tell Boutline, and all the latest information and communities will be ready to go. After you’ve started following other users, you’ll be part of an ever expanding community with (almost) the same level of love for the game as you! A hotly debated subject keeping you up at night? A player playing out of his skin and is deserving of praise? Boutline gives users the chance to start their own sports blog, with a budding sports community waiting to hear what YOU have to say! With the unique ‘Bout Score’, a system used to measure members’ activity and engagement, you can find, follow and interact with the most influential users on the site and add your name to the top echelons of the community by blogging, contributing, and making a name for yourself!

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