Classroom is a mobile organization tool designed and built for students. It displays only immediately relevant information in a digestible format, and is so useful because it automatically loads as much school-specific information as possible.

At its core, the Classroom app, for iPhone and iPad, includes five tools to helps students stay organized. It displays calendar events from a school’s Google Calendar to help students keep track of what’s going on in school, and includes customized bell schedules (e.g., by grade or lunch) parsed from an Excel spreadsheet to allow students and teachers to quickly check class timings for the day. Classroom also allows students to easily keep track of assignments and due dates, and create innovative, dynamic, and beautifully-designed hall passes that change color to indicate how much time has been used. Uploaded files (e.g., student handbooks or lunch menus) are displayed within the app as well.

Classroom also includes a web-based dashboard for administrators. It allows them to add and update school-specific information, including calendar sources, bell schedules, common hall pass destinations, and files. It’s extremely easy-to-use, and takes advantage of tools that schools, administrators, and teachers already use (e.g., Google Calendar and Excel).

It should be mentioned that Classroom is a more scalable extension of a previous prototype that I created for my middle school, called iDMS, which gained incredible traction. I launched it at the beginning of eighth grade, and, within a month, almost a thousand students had downloaded it, with seven hundred launching it each day. I received really great feedback, and was soon approached by other schools as well.

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