
Keep yourself safe in the streets, without taking your phone out without arising suspicion

How it works

It is supposed to listen for the button click event, to connect to twilio, and send a message to the police, or 911 in general

Challenges I ran into

We could not figure out the node.js conversion into pebble's own version of js, ajax was a surprisingly difficult concept to use the pebble app is a little difficult to work with, it took a while to get used to

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

We are all rookies and had no idea how to specifically write the code

What I learned

We all got a taste of advanced coding, and we learned the general procedure for creating a 'hack' setting up your environment

What's next for Emergency Watch Button-- Twilio to 911

once we can let twilio send the text message through the pebble and its connection to the phone, we can even periodically update the police of our location... We can use it for paramedics, chasing down kidnappers... etc

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