
Enwiki is a portable wiki powered by Evernote. It allows you to turn any Evernote notebook into a wiki that can be collaboratively edited by others.

Some of the best features of Enwiki are:

  • An embedded webserver that allows Enwiki to be hosted from any Windows desktop
  • Allows you to use Markdown syntax while editing notes
  • Support for images, file attachments, and to-do items
  • Support for Evernote note links using standard wiki conventions

And because Enwiki is powered by Evernote, it also allows you to bring the best features of Evernote to your wiki:

  • Take your wiki content with you wherever you go, even offline
  • Use Evernote’s powerful search features to search your wiki’s content, images, and file attachments
  • Use Evernote’s History feature to view previous page versions (Premium Evernote accounts only)
  • Add content to your wiki using Evernote’s WYSIWYG editor or through the vast array of tools that have been purpose built to get content into Evernote

Prerequisites & Limitations

  1. The Enwiki executable is currently supported only on Windows 7.
  2. This version of Enwiki is a demonstration release that only allows connections from the local host.
  3. Extract all files from the downloaded .zip archive and run "setup.exe" to install the embedded Enwiki webserver. The Enwiki Server requires the .NET Framework 4.0 and Internet Explorer 9 or higher (for OAuth Authentication). The setup application will automatically notify you of any failed pre-requisites and can automatically install them when available.
  4. After installation, running the application will open a wizard interface that will walk you through the steps of logging into Evernote and selecting a notebook. Once you click the "Finish" button, you can access Enwiki server functions by right-clicking on the Enwiki notification icon in the system tray.

Use Cases

  • Anybody who wants to collaborate with others quickly to build content, without having to create new third-party accounts for themselves or their team members. Enwiki is an “instant-on/instant-off” solution.
  • Single users who want to edit notes using lightweight formatting markup rather than rich-text editing controls.
  • Users who want to create notebooks with highly structured and interlinked content. Enwiki’s “wiki-style” linking, using only the page title with no copying and pasting of note link URLs, is very convenient.
  • Anybody who wants a wiki with content that they can take with them everywhere, even offline.

Syntax Conventions

Enwiki supports Markdown syntax, with the following Evernote specific additions:

Unchecked Checkbox: A single space enclosed in square brackets

[ ] This is an uncompleted item

Checked Checkbox: A single “x” or “X” enclosed in square brackets

[x] This is a completed item

Attached Resource: Percent sign, followed an open parenthesis followed by the resource filename followed by a close parenthesis.


Note Link: Standard Markdown convention, but use the title of the destination note instead of a URL:

[Link Text](Note Title)

Don’t forget to include two spaces at the end of a line to insert a forced line break, as per Markdown syntax rules!

See this page for more information on Markdown syntax.

Development Roadmap

Flexible Deployment Architecture

Enwiki’s architecture has been designed in such a way that Enwiki can be deployed in a number of different packages:

  • Portable application that runs on demand. Great for short-term “just go” collaboration with small teams and for “portable” wikis.
  • Desktop application that runs on demand. Great for short-term collaboration with small teams and for single users looking for an alternative Evernote interface.
  • Windows service application that runs in the background on desktop or server hardware. Great small to medium teams needing moderate collaboration without involving corporate IT departments.
  • ASP.NET web application deployed to Microsoft IIS and running on Windows servers. Great for medium to large teams with heavy collaboration and where Enwiki needs to be available at all times. Best suited for enterprise deployments. Ha ha! Business!
  • Publicly hosted online by a third-party; SaaS. Great for people who want their wiki to be always available, but don’t want to host it themselves, and for people who want their wiki to be accessible on the Internet.

Other Planned Features

  1. Deeper integration with the Evernote API, including integrated search and note history (with a Premium Evernote account)
  2. Support for note tags with an integrated tag cloud
  3. Optional security features and user access control
  4. Dynamic checkbox controls that will allow to-do items to be marked as completed without having to switch to edit mode.
  5. Disambiguation pages when there are multiple notes with the same title
  6. And much, much more!

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