Flu Near You by HealthMap (healthmap.org/flunearyou) provides a comprehensive real-time visualization of influenza activity, news, and resources for the United States.   You can see the level of flu activity in your state by checking out current CDC reported flu activity or Google Flu Trends. You can also see CDC collected flu vaccination rates for your state.   When you click on your state, below the map, we list official public health flu resources and real-time updated flu news alerts for that state.  On the right, the graph shows more detailed information by date.   Click on play to see how the data changes over time.     CDC collects some flu surveillance data at the regional level, you can explore that, too.   Think you have the flu?  Let us know!  We’ll track the number of reports and provide real-time data based on the public’s responses.   This flu season, stay healthy and stay informed through Flu Near You by HealthMap.

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