We have set our sights on innovating what might be considered the last paper-based process in the enterprise. Checking in to a place of business by writing your name on a guestbook at the reception desk is archaic. We aim to replace this paper-based process with a simple, easy-to-use mobile app called Front Desk for Salesforce.

Here’s how it works:

Tom Collins is interviewing at ACME Widgets today, and he’s meeting with his future boss, Anthony Pica, to discuss his resume.

Tom arrives at ACME Widgets and immediately spots an iPad at the reception desk that displays “Welcome, please touch to sign in.” He touches the screen and is asked to provide his email address. If Tom’s email address exists in Salesforce as either a Lead or a Contact, his information immediately appears on the screen and he’s asked to confirm. If his email does not already exist in Salesforce, he’s prompted to provide additional information, and a new Lead is created in Salesforce.

When Tom finishes the 15-second sign in process, a Chatter post is made (and optionally an SMS) to Anthony to notify him that Tom has arrived. At the same time, Tom sees the message “Anthony has been notified that you are here.”

An activity record is added to Tom’s lead or contact record in Salesforce to log the check-in.

There are countless use cases and scenarios for Front Desk for Salesforce.

Video: https://vimeo.com/79941167

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV17u9d8IX0

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