3rd Party Website Verification that provides copy/paste HTML code that works perfectly with Infusionsoft's "Snippets" feature.

Why Trust Seals?

How would you like to increase your sales revenue in 24 hours or less? Well, there are 3 different strategies to accomplish just that, and here they are:

1) You can increase the price of your product or service 2) You can increase the traffic flowing into the top of your funnel (this usually means spending more money on advertising) 3) You can increase the conversion of your existing funnel (this means a higher percentage of prospects are turning into customers)

Technically, you could implement all 3 strategies. But there is an ideal order to it. Start with conversion. Conversion is free, almost, it's kind of like sweat equity. Now there are a ton of ways to increase conversions and we could spend a week sharing split-test after split-test with you. But for now, we'll focus in on the easiest way to bump conversion rates.

Working on conversion is often a game of time. Anytime you make changes to headlines, graphics, videos or email copy, you have to wait for a large enough sample audience to go through the funnel to see whether the changes you made improved conversion or _____ in some cases, hurt it.

Any high-converting sales process addresses buyer concerns head on. And regardless of your market or industry, new prospects always seem to share 3 common concerns.

Concern #1: The identity of your company

Concern #2: If you'll spam them or sell their information to someone else

Concern #3: Is it safe and secure to give you their credit card information

The Integrity Safe plug-in gives Infusionsoft users trust seals they can use to overcome these common concerns that usually prevent prospects from opting in or purchasing online. These trust seals can be used in 6 different areas of Infusionsoft:

1) On Infusionsoft Landing Pages 2) On Websites with Embedded Infusionsoft Webforms 3) On Infusionsoft Hosted Webforms 4) On Order Forms 5) On the Shopping Cart 6) On Email Templates

Integration is fast and easy. We provide you with a small snippet of code that you can paste on your website or on any of the Infusionsoft properties previously mentioned. By using Integrity Safe trust seals in conjunction with your Infusionsoft application, you can literally increase your conversion in just 5 minutes, GUARANTEED!

Once you've take steps to optimize your conversion, you can feel confident about increasing your ad spend and sending more people through your funnel. You'll also find your business in a better position to test price elasticity and find the sweet spot where you net more revenue with out your conversion rate suffering.

So remember, the formula for a quick revenue bump is easy: IS + IS = IS

Infusionsoft plus Integrity Safe equals Increased Sales

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