Our Lockdown system uses a servo to control a deadbolt lock on a door. The servo is controlled using an arduino board, which can be accessed over wifi with a python server. There are also two LEDs attached to the door which indicate whether the door is locked or not. We also developed an android application with the goal of being able to control the lock via smart phone, but we were unable to implement the java-python interface. The inspiration for this project came from getting frustrated with having to find the right key to get into our dorms. We thought being able to use our cellphones to open the door would make it much more convenient. We are very proud that the motor actually turns the lock as we were unsure if the torque from the servo would be enough and securely attaching it to the lock was difficult. We are also very proud of being able to control the lock via a python server over wifi as we explored other options including Bluetooth and SSH which both ended in failure before we figured out how to do it with python.

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