Movie Reader allows you to explore and discover books based on movies that you and your friends like.

Using Movie reader is very simple (See steps/Screenshot Below)

The process of using MovieReader is illustrated in the following screenshots:

Screenshot 1. When you log in through Facebook, information from your profile is used to identify your likes as well as those of your FB friends.

Screenshot 2. From this we generate a list of movie covers. You select the movies that interest you or movies that you have already seen. If there is are one or more books that corresponds to your selection, the book covers will appear in the Discover booklist (see Screenshot 3).

Screenshot 3. A graphical booklist as shown in this screenshot displays your generated booklist. You can vertically scroll through the list of books and pick out any one. For instance, if you click the book titled “Repicturing the Second World War” you will be connected to the NYPL BiblioCommons website (see Screenshot 4).

Screenshot 4. Here you can discover all the catalog information about this book chronicled by Michael Paris.

Screenshot 5. Of course you want to find the library branches where this book is available. Through the Google API, we list all available locations on the map.

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