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A big update is live!

I've just released a new update to Notegram! Lots of new stuff here.

「Unlimited Calendar Works 」

Now you have the ability to get a calendar for any month and year that you want - just pick! And you can also have the calendar start on Sunday or Monday, it's your call!


I've made a big bunch of Windows 10-inspired design tweaks - Notegram now looks quite a lot nicer, don't you think?

Also, I've added some nice app icons for all sorts of devices, so Notegram will look pretty every step of the way.

Internal changes

This is the big thing, and you won't even see it! I've overhauled Notegram from the inside, paving the way to enhancing functionality in the future! To be exact, I've switched to Nunjucks for templating, and overhauled the way templates are generated.

So yeah, the new update is live right now - try it out!

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