
All four of us are extremely interested in Virtual Reality and game development, and we were able to hack together and bring our passions of the emerging industry of virtual reality to life at LA Hacks!

How it works

Using an Oculus Rift with a Leap Motion mounted on the front, we have created an immersive and cinematic environment as you play as Patient[n], in a medical rehabilitation center.

Challenges I ran into

Issues with Leap Motion and Unity. Leap Motion can be buggy and not pick up your exact movements, which results in unexpected behavior and takes out of our immersion

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

We created a fully immersive experience with visual, audible, and interactive stimulations, allowing you to forget you're in the middle of a huge basketball stadium with over a thousand other hackers.

What I learned

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality using a game engine such as Unity. More skills in C# and video game programming.

What's next for Patient[n]: A Case Study in Autonomy

We will be posting a full playthrough on YouTube, and a full developers post on possibly /r/gamedev and /r/oculus, so look for us! We will try to launching as an example for Leap Motion VR/AR interactive experiences, or turning it into a full featured game, as we only had time for a proof of concept of about 5-6 minutes.

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