
Poncho is an awesome weather service developed at Betaworks. A few months back I wrote a Chrome extension to view my forecast without leaving my main work environment / picking up my phone.

It worked really well, until I started spending more time in the console. That's when I remembered a post I wrote about parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup and got to work.

The end result is Poncho.py: the ultimate console-based weather forecast

preview w /alias

Dependencies: BeautifulSoup 4 & lxml parser

The script accepts two optional arguments:

  • Your personal referral code from the "view in browser" links you get via email, e.g XXXX from (http://poncho.is/s/XXXX). If not provided, script defaults to RW5pQ (NYC).
  • a -d flag which suppresses the detailed weather description.

I also recommend aliasing it in your .zshrc / .bashrc: p = "python ~/path/to/poncho.py <refcode>"

Default NYC forecast:

forecast without referral code

Forecast with referral code:

forecast with referral code

Forecast with referral code & suppressed detail:

forecast with referral code & suppressed detail

I'd love to hear what you think about Poncho.py and please feel free to contribute & fork!

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