Los Angeles is the densest city in the US, with about 7,000 people per square mile, according to the US Census Bureau, but only 10% of commuters carpool, 7% take public transportation, and only 4% walk or bike (US Census Bureau American Community Survey).

Pool Party is an app for community events that encourages people to walk, bike, carpool, or take public transportation together to save money and enjoy a commute that's healthier, safer and more fun! The Los Angeles Times describes Pool Party as the app that's "fixing L.A.'s perennial problem: commuting."

Pool Party asks event attendees to input their starting point and preferred transportation options, showing if any other attendees are commuting from the same neighborhood and offering an easy way to arrange a carpool. Walking or biking is safer in a group, and even taking public transportation is less intimidating (and less boring) when you can travel with a friend!

Pool Party also uses open datasets and APIs to pull in bus routes, parking spots, bike racks, and other open transportation data to show event attendees the most efficient and cost-effective transportation options.

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