• Title: safeUMD
  • Sarah Meyers, Xinyi Wang, Anita Benitez, and Nadine Perez
  • University of Maryland

Description: safeUMD is a pebble app that allows the user to select a time when going out into a potentially dangerous situation or environment and have their pebble "check in" with them every 10 minutes to see if they are okay. If they do not confirm in the 1 minute alarm interval, their pebble will send a text to their designated contact alerting them something might be wrong.

Our app can be used by anyone and everyone, and is very simple to use and versatile, but was really inspired by ourselves. College aged females who don't want to feel like they're in danger every time they step outside after dark. It is so often that girls go for a late night jog, go to a party, or just end up in a precarious situation and wish they had someone checking up on them. This app allows you to contact a person you trust if you're in danger, literally without having to press a button. Implementing it with the pebble watch makes it so you're not constantly having to pull out your phone to confirm you're safe, and minimizes risk of false "help" texts being sent. As females, especially as female college students, unfortunately we are constantly having to take precautions. It is our responsibility to watch out, to be aware, to always be on alert. We are the ones who always have to have it in the back of our minds and the burden of staying safe as a young woman is sometimes overwhelming. We hope to help carry that burden with safeUMD and make life a little less about worrying and a little more about living.

Category: Pearl Hacks Pusheen Award Most Impressive First-time Project Best Project using Pebble

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